Republic Ez Drop Spreader Settings

The Scott's standard broadcast spreader setting is based on the number of pounds per 1000 square feet. For the product below, the application rate is 11.5 lbs/5000 square feet. EZ 540/75450 Scotts Model SG3000 Scotts EdgeGuard Scotts Easygreen EG3 Width lift. DROP SPREADERS: Earthway Model 7350 Precision Model FH22 Republic Model 2530/75350 Scotts Model AG3000 Scotts Model PF4 SETTINGS Lbs. Of Productf1000 Sq. FONSKINOR CLOTHING: FNEYES: Have person sip a glass Of water if able to swallow.

Improper spreader settings can lead to a waste of time and money if too much product is used and callbacks from customers if too little product is dispersed. Starting with the appropriate setting for your specific machine will help. When using a LESCO product, find the designated setting listed on the bag and then cross reference that number to your particular spreader type using the attached documents.

Keep in mind that labeled settings on the product bag and those listed within the charts are approximate and should be used as a starting point only. Many factors influence product delivery rate including but not limited to regularity of calibration, operator walking speed, maintenance history of spreader, and weather conditions.

Contact your SiteOne® branch to inquire about spreader settings for equipment not listed or for additional technical support.


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Republic Ez Drop Spreader Settings

Republic Spreader Settings For Scotts

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Ez Spreader By Republic Settings

ManualEz spreader by republic settingsEz spreader by republic settings

Republic Ez Drop Spreader Settings

Set a new standard for turf care with this revolutionary all-natural plant optimization technology.

Republic ez drop spreader settings

Republic Ez Spreader Parts

I've never re-calibrated my Scoots since I put it together 15 years
I just keep an eye on how fast the particular product is going out and
the rate seems off, then I adjuct the dial a bit. From experience
suggested settings on the bag are often off one way or the other from
what you actually need anyway. Probably depends on factors like
how much moisture may have gotten into the particular product, etc.

So, I just start with a part of a bag,
say 1/4 and keep an eye on how far that goes, relative to the area it
should cover, then adjust accordingly. And if you're off somewhat it
won;t matter much. I'd tend to err on the side of a bit too light,
can always do a 2nd pass.

Republic Ez Spreader Settings Equivalent

I know the forsythia guidline is widely used for pre-emergent, but
I think it's still very early to be putting it down right now. I'm in
coastal NJ and I would not put it down here for a couple weeks.
CG doesn't germinate until you have temps in the high 70s or 80s.
By that time the effectiveness could be wearing off. I prefer to do
it a bit later and use a product with Dimension which will not only
prevent germination but kill very small CG plants too.