Select An Appropriate Display

/. With subquery./ SELECT e.Name, e.LastName FROM Employees e WHERE e.Department = ( SELECT sub.Code FROM (SELECT. FROM Departments d ORDER BY d.budget LIMIT 2) sub ORDER BY budget DESC LIMIT 1). Select an Appropriate Display PERIOD Select an appropriate type of display for each situation. The numbers of students who spend Sundays doing homework, visiting with friends, and/or working circle graph; comparing part 2. The number of each of four types of flowers found in a garden bar graph; data in four groups. The appropriate data display would be a chart, to show the increase and decrease of each year. Just like a good chunk of the video games they display, gaming monitors need to be fast. “Fast” in monitor terms refers to each display’s refresh rate and response time. Refresh rates currently run up to 240Hz, which means that your game’s imagery will be displayed at a range of 240 frames per second (that’s buttery smooth!). Select an Appropriate Display PERIOD Select an appropriate type of display for each situation. The numbers of students who spend Sundays doing homework, visiting with friends, and/or working circle graph; comparing part 2. The number of each of four types of.

< SQL Exercises

Relational Schema[edit]


1. Select the last name of all employees.

2. Select the last name of all employees, without duplicates.

3. Select all the data of employees whose last name is 'Smith'.

4. Select all the data of employees whose last name is 'Smith' or 'Doe'.

5. Select all the data of employees that work in department 14.

6. Select all the data of employees that work in department 37 or department 77.

7. Select all the data of employees whose last name begins with an 'S'.

8. Select the sum of all the departments' budgets.

Select An Appropriate Display Answer Key

Lesson 5 select an appropriate display

9. Select the number of employees in each department (you only need to show the department code and the number of employees).

10. Select all the data of employees, including each employee's department's data.

11. Select the name and last name of each employee, along with the name and budget of the employee's department.

12. Select the name and last name of employees working for departments with a budget greater than $60,000.

13. Select the departments with a budget larger than the average budget of all the departments.

14. Select the names of departments with more than two employees.

15. Select the name and last name of employees working for departments with second lowest budget.

16. Add a new department called 'Quality Assurance', with a budget of $40,000 and departmental code 11. Add an employee called 'Mary Moore' in that department, with SSN 847-21-9811.

/*Note: Quoting numbers in SQL works but is bad practice. SSN should not be quoted it is an integer.*/

17. Reduce the budget of all departments by 10%.

18. Reassign all employees from the Research department (code 77) to the IT department (code 14).

19. Delete from the table all employees in the IT department (code 14).

20. Delete from the table all employees who work in departments with a budget greater than or equal to $60,000.

21. Delete from the table all employees.

Table creation code[edit]

Sample dataset[edit]

Retrieved from ''

a few straightforward rules of thumb can help ensure that you are selecting a functional product.

Video presentation happens everywhere, everyday. Whether it’s a PowerPoint presentation, promotional video or detailed architectural floor plan, it’s important that all viewers can clearly see the content in order for the presentation to be effective. An increasing number of organizations are implementing their own display solutions, due in part to the availability of high-quality, cost-effective displays through local “big box” retailers. When it’s time to make that purchase, how do you know if you’re buying the appropriate screen size?

While we always recommend consulting with a professional before purchasing technology, a few straightforward rules of thumb can help ensure that if you take on the responsibility of acquiring a display for your office or facility, you are selecting a functional product.

The first thing to consider is the most common content that will be viewed on the display. We break content into three main categories: video, PowerPoint, and detailed drawings/text. These categories are based largely on the amount of detail present. For example, it is much easier to glance at a display from across a room and discern that the video shows a bird landing in a nest, rather than observe that your Q1 2014 sales had increased by $52,344.22 over 2013’s. In between those two content detail extremes lies the PowerPoint presentation. Although these presentations typically consist of a combination of text and graphics, a good PowerPoint presentation provides an overview or outline of the subject matter and doesn’t present a high degree of detail. As such, it ends up being the middle ground in terms of ease of viewing.

To help determine the appropriate display size, the amount of detail contained in a presentation will be represented using the following “content factors”:

  • Video = 8
  • PowerPoint = 6
  • Detailed Drawings/Text = 4

The second consideration is distance. In the previous example, the viewer must move closer to the display to clearly read the content of the sales reports. In other words, the closer the viewer is to the display, the more content detail he/she will be able to discern. If the new display is to be located in a conference room, measure the distance between the location of your display and the position occupied by the most distant viewer. By knowing this distance and the type of content most often displayed, the necessary display height can be calculated using the simple formula:


DH = Display height
DFV = Distance to farthest viewer
CF = Content factor

Recalling the content factors, this formula translates to the most distant viewer being located no more than eight times the display height away for video, six times the display height for PowerPoint presentations, and no more than four times the display height away for viewing detailed text.

Let’s look at an example. A small, 20’ x 14’ conference room is used frequently for “lunch and learn” presentations. A flat screen display is desired for presentation purposes, and it will be located on the front 14’ wall. A rectangular conference table is present, and the seat farthest from the display is located 16’ away. How tall must the display be in order to accurately view the presentation content from this seat?

CF for PowerPoint = 6
DFV = 16’
DH = 16’/6
DH = 2.6’ or 31.2” high

Be aware that this height refers to the viewable image height and not the overall height of the display hardware. Also note that display manufacturers classify their products by image diagonal, and not by image height. A 31.2” height is likely to be found on a 65” display, so you’ll want to look at the specific product’s specifications prior to purchase.

If the room is sufficiently large, it is possible that your calculations will reveal a recommended minimum height that is greater than that provided by any currently available flat screen display. At this point, different display technologies such as projection or display walls may be considered.

Keep in mind that this formula is about establishing a basic guideline and getting you “in the zone” for acceptable viewing based on content. While there are many other variables (resolution, room lighting levels, type of display technology, etc.) that go into proper presentation system design, understanding how to size a display is critical and can help you avoid at least one common pitfall when implementing a presentation system display.

This blog entry was guest written by Deb Britton, CEO and Founding Principal at K2 Audio, a women-owned audiovisual/acoustics consulting firm based in Boulder. In addition to consulting for a wide variety of clients including the U.S. Senate and Disney, Deb has presented seminars on audio networking, “green” AV design, and acoustics, and has lectured to groups for women in engineering. Earlier in her career, Deb taught acoustics at Berklee College of Music in Boston. She currently sits on the InfoComm International Board of Directors and is an active member of SMPS Colorado. K2 Audio is currently working with BRS on the UCCS Student Health & Wellness Center.

Select An Appropriate Display Worksheet

Posted by Deb Britton, CEO/Founding Principal, K2 Audio, LLC on May 6, 2014 at 06:14pm

Lesson 6 Select An Appropriate Display

Tags: interior space planning (7)

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